
IN-CREW Course Experience: “Let's go sailing” 2023 – First level

It is a training course first level basis for those who wish to actively collaborate at all times and learn the fundamental aspects of sailing on a sailing boat.
We will experience a real "cruise dimension" sharing every moment of the day for
transform emotions into a path where teaching will merge with practice, developing and
increasing your training and sailing passion.
A weekend of constant growth, which will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills required to
undertake a training course to become a reliable hub, an expert sailor and a future
The objectives:
The educational path, thanks to a strong practical approach, offers a wide range of information and
activity, to approach cruising with great awareness and knowledge of its dynamics.
You will learn to:
• Tack,
• To break down,
• Know the gaits and manage them,
• Chart a course and steer at the helm,
• Coil a rope and throw it,
• Tie the basic nautical knots,
• Give again,
• Manage communication via vhf radio,
• Be helpful to the skipper,
• Know the main concepts on electrical systems, hydraulics and boat engine.

There will be many topics that will be covered during the days of the course, in which we will exploit
every moment, every single navigation or stop situation, to share information and
emotions about all that wonderful world that surrounds a sailboat.
Welcome on board.


The course lasts for a “weekend” Saturday 25 is Sunday 26 March 2023 in Marina di Ragusa directly on board the offshore sailing boats.

At Barca: Dufour 455 Grand large: 45.5 feet, beautiful and comfortable boat, equipped with everything needed to enjoy a pleasant sailing trip. Equipped with 4 double cabins with flat beds and three French bathrooms. see boat photo

Per info mail: sail.charter@invictus-sicily.com – +39 339 27 22 543 or fill out the form below



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    Naples Sicily and Islands on a sailing boat

    Gulf of Naples (Capri, Ischia, Procida, Positano, Sorrento), Egadi Islands, Aeolian Islands, Taornima, Syracuse, Malta, Marina di Ragusa, sono queste le principali tappe del tour che toccherà i luoghi più belli di quello che fu il “Kingdom of the Two Sicilies”.

    Dal 30 June to 25 August 2018 seven stages for seven weeks also in cabin charter.

    A sailing holiday is to experience the sea in total relaxation by immersing yourself in silence, a bathroom off, sleep lulled by the waves, enjoy fresh fish when and how you want.

    Also this year we want to offer everyone the opportunity to explore itineraries that combine the passion for sailing, cultural tourism and food and wine among enchanting beaches, nature reserves and suggestive coastal scenery, with the possibility to choose the most popular weekly stage.

    Fill out the form below and get the offer.



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      Practicing pleasure boating in Scicli: on the routes of Montalbano between sports, relax and culture.

      sulle rotte di Montalbano (dal giornale di Scicli 2 Nov 2013)
      on Montalbano's routes (from the newspaper of Scicli 2 Nov 2013)

      La navigazione da diporto detta anche nautica da diporto o diportismo è quel tipo di navigazione che è svolta in acque marittime interne usando un’imbarcazione (barca a vela o a motore, canoa, kayak o altro) per scopi sportivi e ricreativi e quindi svolgendo attività acquatiche come wind surfing, kite surfing, immersioni subacquee, pesca ricreativa o semplicemente esplorando le bellezze naturali della costa per conoscere nuovi territori e vivere le emozioni del contatto diretto con il mare.

      E’ un’attività che contribuisce in maniera positiva a sviluppare e comunicare valori sportivi, culturali, ambientali e sociali e per i giovani può rappresentare un’ottima palestra per apprendere il rispetto della natura, la valorizzazione del lavoro in comune, il senso di responsabilità. Sebbene la nautica in generale sia considerata come l’hobby delle persone agiate che possiedono grossi yacht ormeggiati nei porti turistici delle località più esclusive, in realtà la nautica da diporto è innanzi tutto praticata dagli amanti del mare e dagli sportivi che praticano immersioni, canottaggio, wind surf, kite surf utilizzando imbarcazioni di minori dimensioni con costi molto più contenuti. Di fatto, lo sviluppo del settore della vendita di imbarcazioni e il conseguente ampliamento dell’offerta di mercato hanno permesso di sdoganare l’idea del diportismo d’élite introducendo il concetto di “nautica popolare” e quindi di un’attività ricreativa accessibile a tutti. Nel nostro territorio, ricco di splendide coste e di un clima favorevole alla pratica del diportismo in tutti i periodi dell’anno, la pratica della nautica da diporto può rappresentare una grande risorsa, che se sapientemente sfruttata può contribuire allo sviluppo di un’offerta turistica di qualità che da un lato valorizza le bellezze naturali del luogo e dall’altro può fungere da volano all’economia legata al turismo e al tempo libero.

      Il diportismo nautico è però oggi caratterizzato da un forte squilibrio tra domanda di ormeggi e offerta portuale e tale carenza è considerata l’ostacolo principale per lo sviluppo italiano della nautica da diporto. L’incremento dell’offerta portuale potrebbe invece costituire un forte incentivo per lo sviluppo diportistico e il relativo indotto.

      E’ assodato che un porto turistico che operi come punto di scalo all’interno di un itinerario nautico attrezzato, con disponibilità di posti barca, con la presenza di una serie di servizi di supporto e soprattutto localizzato vicino a luoghi di particolare bellezza da visitare durante la navigazione, rappresenta un forte fattore di sviluppo economico. In questo contesto il progetto del porto turistico di Donnalucata si configura come una risposta concreta che potrà innescare comportamenti virtuosi per l’espansione dell’attività turistica a Scicli accrescendo il valore del territorio e generando attività che al momento possono essere svolte soltanto al porto di Pozzallo o di Marina di Ragusa.

      La nostra costa, oltre alle sue naturali bellezze, ha avuto la fortuna di essere stata scelta come set della fiction “Il commissario Montalbano” portando grande attenzione sul nostro territorio e facendo scoprire al turista che la zona del Val di Noto possiede arte, tradizione e cultura in un connubio di armonia tale che soggiornare nel nostro territorio è diventato sinonimo di vacanza culturale e di scoperta di piccoli piaceri della vita che conferiscono fattori di qualità al tempo libero trascorso in questa zona.

      Veleggiare nel nostro mare, anche solo per un’escursione giornaliera, può rappresentare un’esperienza unica per il turista che scoprirà come il territorio visto dal mare possa assumere contorni e sfumature che dalla terra ferma vengono difficilmente colti. Un ideale itinerario, ad esempio alla scoperta dei luoghi di Montalbano visti dal mare, in partenza dal futuro porto di Donnalucata, può portare il turista ad ammirare dall’acqua il lungomare di Marinella ambientato appunto nell’antico borgo marinaro di Donnalucata; il borgo e il lungomare di Sampieri; l’oasi faunistica di Punta Corvo; “la Mannara” ovvero la Fornace Penna, luogo di misteriosi delitti nella fiction; la riserva naturale Macchia Foresta del Fiume Irminio; il faro di Punta Secca e la vicina casa del commissario Montalbano. L’itinerario può inoltre far scoprire le bellezze della costa iblea, le lunghe spiagge di sabbia dorata e le scogliere a picco sul mare.

      Questa è solo una delle potenziali attività che il porto turistico di Donnalucata potrebbe offrire, ma basta poco per rendersi conto di come è possibile costruire un’offerta mirata che punti alla valorizzazione e alla piena utilizzazione del porto: escursioni di pesca turismo per offrire ai nostri turisti attività già collaudate in altre zone d’Italia; corsi di vela per avvicinare le persone all’attività diportistica; punto di partenza per escursioni nella vicina Malta; iniziative legate all’enogastronomia locale che possiedono forte attrattività verso i turisti.
      Naturalmente il porto rappresenta l’approdo ideale, per quei diportisti di passaggio, che avrebbero la possibilità fare scalo direttamente a Scicli per visitarne le sue bellezze artistiche e monumentali e per fruire dei servizi connessi all’attività turistica.
      Diportismo e attività collegate potrebbero essere una delle tante risorse nascoste per stimolare lo sviluppo economico e per rendere la nostra Scicli attrattiva e competitiva a livello nazionale e internazionale.

      Early Booking

      Early Booking sconto del 10% on the price list for those who book by 31 December 2012

      Get booking now - Request booking now

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      Select your boat - Select the boat you want

      Dufour 56 Exclusive INVICTUS cab 4 – 8+ 2 wc 3Dufour 425 Mammamia cab 3 – 6+ 2 wc 3Dufour 455 Case cab4 – 8+2 – wc 2Dufour 455 Capriccio cab4 - 8+2 – wc 2Bavaria 50 Cruiser cab 5 – 10+2 wc 3

      Port of Departure-Arrival - Port of Departure and Arrival

      Milazzo Marina of Ragusa

      Boarding: Saturday hours 17:00 Landing: Saturday hours 09:00
      Check-In Saturday h.5.00pm – Return Saturday 9.00am

      Date From - Departure date

      Date To- Check-in date

      your message - Your message

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      It is the highest volcano in Europe, it is located in north-eastern Sicily and since ancient times its activity has been the object of admiration and fear.

      Etna, indeed , it was indicated as the forge of the god Vulcan and the Cyclops, or like the pillar of heaven.

      It overlooks the Ionian sea to the east, to the north it is bordered by the Alcantara river which flows between the beautiful "Alcantara Gorges", to the west and south - west it is bordered by the Simeto river.

      The current shape of Etna dates back to the mid-1940s, high about 3.330 mt has a perimeter of 210km and an area of ​​1,600km.

      The most famous of Etna's eruptions is that of 1669, when an immense torrent of fluid lava reached Catania, destroying it in part.

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      It was born as a tourist city because Siculi, Greeks, Romans and many others chose it to stay there for a long time and not only for political and strategic reasons. Many were and are in love with Taormina: Goethe, From there, Klimt, Nabokov, Weather in Sciascia, Pirandello are just some of the prestigious names who have been enchanted by this town that blends art in itself, culture and spectacular nature.

      Coming from Messina after S.. Alessio and Letojanni - all enchanting places by sea and land - you get to Taormina Mare passing through Mazzarò, Capo Sant’Andrea and Capo Taormina.

      In the crystalline sea, just below Taormina city, Isolabella is located, lump of rock covered with Mediterranean vegetation, of incomparable beauty.

      In Capo Sant’Andrea you can reach beautiful sea caves by boat and practice all water sports.

      It is not possible to describe Taormina, you must visit it.

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      It was a Greek colony, Tyndareus, founded by the tyrant of Syracuse Dionysius the Elder in 396 a.c. The position of Tindari is strategic, from here you can check the entire stretch of sea between the Aeolian Islands and Messina.

      On the top of Tindari, visible from afar, there is a sanctuary where a black Byzantine Virgin is housed and is a destination for religious pilgrimages.

      At the peak you can see the Marinello lakes, small pools of water that always change shape.

      Archaeologically it is a very rich area: you can visit the fortification walls built at the time of Dionysius the Elder, a complete district of Terme, residences and a patrician house of Romanesque times and the Greek theater.

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      Aeolian Islands

      The Aeolian archipelago is of volcanic origin and nature, is located in the north of Sicily and is composed of 7 differently splendid islands: Lipari, Salina, Volcano, the largest, ad Ovest: Filicudi and Alicudi, a North-East: Panarea and Stromboli. Filicudi and Alicudi are the oldest, in fact, they are approximately one million years old; Vulcano and Stromboli are the youngest as their very intense volcanic activity reveals.

      In the other islands the volcanic nature is limited to manifesting itself with gas puffs, seething waters, underwater springs of hot waters and thermal muds


      Traces of human settlements from the Roman age have been found here in the eastern part of the island, which, however, due to its barren and not very hospitable nature, does not lend itself much to living there permanently.

      The name derives from the ancient "Ericusa" due to the strong presence of heather that the islanders use today to build artifacts such as pipe stoves or canopies. Making the circumnavigation of Alicudi one is struck by the beauty of the seabed.


      Together with Alicudi it is the oldest of the seven islands, far from Lipari 16 miles and extends for 9,5 Km, I am alone 3 villages for 300 inhabitants, but it is the most interesting from the archaeological point of view.

      Among its many caves it is worth mentioning that of the "Bue Marino" - once the home of the monk seal - which according to legend hosts a monster that hides in the cave and makes its presence felt with noisy roars.

      Visiting it you will discover that the "roars" are the plays of water against the rock.


      By population and extension it is the second largest island of the archipelago, 27 km of surface, length 7 km, it is only from Lipari 2 miles. The volcanic nature here is visible from the two twin volcanoes: Monte dei Porri and Fossa delle Felci.

      Its name derives from a salt water pond in the south of the island, once used as a saline. But it is also the island of fresh water, which, conversely, is scarce in the other islands, so much so that the island from the sea is recognized by the emerald green color of its famous vineyards that produce a highly prized wine: the Malvasia.

      Who says that the only suggestive area of ​​the island is Pollara, with its stack and numerous caves, you are wrong. Con 13 miles of coastline, in Salina, intact and inhabited areas alternate, among the most evocative we remember Rinella and Leni with splendid caves to visit and where splendid inlets are hidden that have shades ranging from the blue of the sea to the green of the flora.


      It is the largest and most extensive island of the Aeolian Islands, 36,7 sq. km, It is long 9,5 km. Its nature, like that of all his sisters, it is volcanic, 12 I am, indeed, the volcanic systems and is also rich in thermal springs and materials of volcanic origin such as obsidian and pumice.

      With about 9.000 inhabitants, which quadruple in the summer, it is the most populated of the islands. The main centers are 4: Hot water, Thicket, Piano Conte, Quattropiani.

      For lovers of archeology they are worth visiting: the castle, ancient acropolis of Lipari, the Archaeological Park, the Aeolian Archaeological Museum of exceptional value and the Contrada Diana archaeological park, rich in remains of ancient Roman houses: the whole history of the Aeolian Islands has passed through Lipari.

      The most beautiful beach is Spiaggia Bianca which takes its name from the color of the pumice seabed. Beyond the rocks of the Formiche, the stacks of Pietra Menala and Pietra Lunga stand out, very popular destinations for divers.

      Following the cliff there are numerous bays all worth visiting.


      It is only half a mile from Lipari and 4 are the volcanic buildings that characterize it, two of these are still in business today: Gran Cratere and Vulcanello.

      Of the Aeolian Islands, Vulcano is the wildest, the one that when the light changes, change the appearance.

      Vulcanello appears to the left of Porto Levante, promontory born from a violent submarine eruption. The bays of Porto Levante and Porto Ponente overlook the isthmus that separates Vulcanello from the island, the latter beach is very popular due to the very hot water due to submarine boiling, while Porto Levante is characterized by very fine black sand.

      The coast is indented, and to take the boat tour you could start with P.te Nere le tre Dita where you pass in the middle with the boat, then clockwise you enter the Roja coast under the volcano, with white and yellow rocks. Towards P.ta La Luccia a network of caves opens up, the beaches of Cannitello follow, Pra'e l'ufali, Pra 'and donkey to Scario, all intact places characterized by transparent water.


      The island most frequented by "VIPs" is 8 miles from Lipari. There are three main centers: Saint Peter, Drauto and Ditella. Thermal springs are discovered among the luxuriant Mediterranean vegetation.

      It is a bit of an archipelago in the archipelago as it is surrounded by small smaller islands: Basiluzzo, Spinazzola, Type it, Cooper, Black bone, Ants, Panarelli, Lisca Bianca, all a paradise for divers as their waters are clear and transparent.

      The island is full of coves and while circumnavigating the island you must visit them all, the longest is Cala Junco.


      It is far from Lipari 22 miles, it is surrounded by depths up to 1.200 mt on which stands the homonymous volcano, the Stromboli, which is the highest volcano to emerge in Europe.

      The island can only be inhabited because the stream of fire pours onto the north-east side of the island.

      Someone defines a trip to Stromboli as an inner journey. In any case it is all worth visiting, Ginostra deserves an excursion, south of the island.

      The circumnavigation of the island could start from Fico Grande to reach Strombolicchio, a rock side 50 m and about half a mile away from the island. Along the island, after P.ta Labranzo, there are numerous beaches alternating with caves until you reach the area where the sciara di fuoco plunges into the sea. It is a wonderful sight, especially when viewed from the sea at night.

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      Portorosa is located between Capo Tindari and Capo Milazzo, in front of the enchanting Aeolian islands, in a huge equipped area surrounded by greenery.

      The exclusive tourist complex is the ideal place, not just for those who love to have fun, but also for those who love relaxation.

      The large green spaces present offer the opportunity to enjoy your holiday in complete freedom and total well-being.

      Portorosa, touristic port of Sicily, has 680 berths with hauling services, storage and bunkering.

      And Portorosa, as well as a large swimming pool surrounded by greenery and a large equipped beach, an efficient shopping center offers tourists a very wide range of services: supermarket, bar, piano bar, restaurants and pizzerias, boutiques, bazar, car and boat rental (sail or motor) of various sizes with or without skipper.

      Portorosa: a starting point for the most varied artistic itineraries in the most beautiful places in Sicily (Aeolian Islands, Greek Theater of Tindari, Taormina, Etna). Portorosa: an exclusive holiday that will be remembered

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